2013. 4. 29.

Emotional Design -Donald A. Norman

emotion and cognition are thoroughly intertwined
level of processing
the automatic prewired layer, visceral level
the part that contains the brain processes that control everyday behavior, behavioral level
contemplative part of brain, reflective level

Special items all evoked the stories. seldom was the focus upon the item itself
Our attachment is really not to the thing, it is to relationship, to the meanings and feelings the thing represent,

Make it easier to find just the desired pictures years after they have been taken and put into storage. these are not easy problems, but until they are overcome, we will not reap the full benefits of photography.

Visceral design is all about immediate emotional impact. It has feel good, look good. Sensuality and sexuality play roles. Visceral design is what nature dose. We humans evolved to coexist in the environment of other humans, animals, plans, ....and other natural phenomena. We are exquisitely turned to receive powerful emotional signals from the environment that get interpreted automatically at the visceral level.

behavioral design is all about use. Appearance doesn't really matter. Rational doesn't really matter. Performance does. What matters here are four components of good behavioral design: function, understandability, usability, and physical feel. touch and feel are critical to our behavioral assessment of a product. Physical object have weight, texture, and surface. The design term for this is tangibility.
~they keep adding new features, but they had never studied just what patterns of activities their customers performed, just what takes needed to be supported.

Understanding end-user unmet and unarticulated needs that's the challenging- to discover real needs that even the people who need them cannot yet articulate.
Negative emotions kick in when there is a lack of understanding, when people feel frustrated and out of control.

the fact that both visceral and behavioral reactions are subconscious makes us unawer of our true reactions and their causes. this is why in real situations can often tell more about people's like and dislikes- and the reason for them-than the people themselves.

Behavior design begins with understanding the user's need, ideally derived by conducting studies of relevant behavior in ~~wherever the product will actually be used.
then the design team produces quick, rapid prototypes to test on prospective users, prototypes that takes hours (not days) to build and then to test. Even the simple sketches or mockups from cardboard, wood, or foam work well at this stage. As the design process continues, it incorporates the information from the tests. Soon  the prototypes are more complete, sometimes fully or partially working, sometimes simply simulating working devices.

Products can be more than the sum of the functions they perform. real value can be in fulfilling people's emotional needs, and one of the most important needs of all is to establish one's self-image and one's place in the world.

Attractiveness is a visceral-level phenomenon- the response is entirely to the surface look of an object. Beauty comes from the reflective level. Beauty comes from conscious reflection and experience.
Customer relationships play a major role at the reflective level, so much so that a good relationship can completely reverse an otherwise negative experience with the product.
In retrospect, when memory has dimmed, the reflective system wins.
Iterative method is design by compromise, by committee, and consensus, the guarantees a result that is safe and effective, but invariably dull.
~~google logo's playful distortion help reinforce this brand image: fun for the user of the site, good reflective design, and good for business.

What transforms an impression of shallow cuteness into one of deep, long-lasting pleasure?? ~ the unexpected transformation is the key. the essence surprise was the separation between the two viewings: the product alone, then in use.
Great design-like literature, music, or art-can be appreciated even after continual use, continued presence.

longevity derives from the richness and complexity of its structure.
There has to be initial attraction but where most products fail is in maintaining the relationship after that initial burst of enthusiasm.

Products survive the passage of time and are still in use, still giving joy? The three basic steps are enticement, relationship and fulfillment: make an emotional promise, continually fulfill the promise, and experience in a memorable way.

Needs for sound design?? - sounds sometimes useful, but mostly emotionally upsetting, jarring, annoying. We are interrupted by public announcements, staring with the completely unnecessary but annoying "attention" followed by an announcement only of interest to a single person.

the principles for designing pleasurable, effective interaction between people and products are the very same ones that support pleasurable and effective interaction between individuals.
Your conceptual model of a product or service- and the feedback that you receive-is essential in establishing and maintaining trust.

Even if exact prediction of successful products is not possible, we can be certain of one category that almost always guarantees success: social interaction. as technologies have changed, the importance of communication has remained high on the list of essentials.

We don't really do the operation at the same instant, but rather interweave the two.
The continual switching of attention is normally a virtue, especially in the world of social interaction. In the mechanical world, it can be a peril.
Much of modern technology is really the technology of social interaction: it is the technology of trust and emotional bonds. But their social interaction nor trust were designed into the technologist, the technology provides a mean of communication; for us, however, it provides a means for social interaction.
we have already seen that lack of trust comes about from lack of understanding, from situations where we feel out of control, unaware of what has happened, or why, or what we should do the next time.

Modern control theory has moved away from this assumption of a central command post. Distributed control is the hallmark of today's system.

To make personal means expressing some sense of ownership, of pride. It means to have some individualistic touch.

While we may not have any control which we select and how, where, and when they are to be used.
A set of choices, some better than others, perhaps none fully satisfactory.

We all designers- Because we must be. We live our lives, encounter success and failure, joy and sadness. We structure our own worlds to support ourselves throughout life. Some occasions, people, places, and things comes to have special meanings, special emotional feelings. these are our bonds, to ourselves, to our past, and to the future. when something gives pleasure, when it becomes a part of our lives, and when the way we interact with it helps define our place in society and in the world, then we have love. Design is part of this equation, but personal interaction is the key. Love comes by being earned, when an object's special characteristics makes it a daily part of beauty, its behavior, or its reflective component.

have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.