everyone's needs --> satisfying our wants
the value of a group isn't related with its size but its influence
Top companies have nothing in common They are outliers, are on the fringes
did soming remarkerble
K mart has plenty of awereness. So what?
Early adapters create an environment where the early and late majority feel safe buying the new item.
You dont have a power to force them to. The only chance you have is to sell to people who like change, who like new stuff, who are actively looking for what it is you sell.
You must design a product that is remarkerble enough to attract the early adopters but is flexible enough and attractive enough that those adopters will have an easy time spreading the idea to the rest of the curve.
...This shift was direct result of early adopters successfully selling the cameras to their friends.
Sneezers are the key spreading agents of an ideavirus.
every market has a few sneezers. They are often the early adopers but not always. finding and seducing these sneezers is the essential step in creating an ideavirus.
How often will people sneeze it to their friends?
How tightly knit is the group you are targeting?-do they talk much?
Do they believe each other? How reputable are the people most likely to promote your idea? How persistent is it?
Service that worth talking about get talked about.
Targeted ads are far more cost effective
Its consumer who choose.
You cant make people listen. But you can figure out who's likely to be listening when you talk, and then invent the right combination of Ps to overwhelm them with the rightness of your offer.
The influencial sneezers, the people with a problem to solve- they are open to hearing your story only if its truly remarkable; otherwise, you are invisible.
If your remarkable, its likely that some people wont like you. thats part of the definition of remarkable.
Smart businesses target markets where theres already otaku.
By reviewinh every other P- your packageing, and so forth-You sketch out where your edges a are....and where your competition is. Without understanding this landscape, you cant go to the next step and figure out which innovation you can support.
Tiffany's blue box is a slogan without words... each company has managed to position itself in a coherent way and make it easy to spread the word to other.
the purity of the message makes it even more remarkable.
The marketing is the product, and vice versa.
Do you have a slogan or poditioninh statement or remaarkable boast thats actually true? Is it consistent? Is it worth passing out?
Consumers with needs are the ones most likely to respond to your solutions.
The real growth comes with products that annoy, offend, dont appeal, are too expensive, too cheap, too simple-too somthing.(Of course, they are too too for some people, but just perfect for others.)
If someone in your organization is charged with creating a new Purple Cow, leave them alone! Dont use internal reviews and usabilty testing to figure out if the new product is as good as what you've got now. Instead, pick the right marverick and get out of the way.
Give sneezers the tools (and the story) they will nees to sell your idea to a wider audience.
Once youve crossed the line from remarkable to profitable bussiness, let a different team milk it.
Productize your services, servize your products, let a thousand varivations bloom.
Reinvest. Launch another purple cow( to a same audience). What was remarkable last time won't be remarkable this time.
Marketing was really better called 'ad'. Marketing was about communicating the values of a product after it has been developed and manufactured.
Go take a design course. Send your designers to a marketinh course. And both of you should spend a week in the factory.
Desingers not only had an important role in this process but should in fact dominate it.
Purple cow comes from passionate people who are making something for themselves.
Immerse yourself in fan magazines, trade shows, design reveiws-whatever it takes to feel what your fans feel.
The facinating thing about about Hooter's outrageousness is that its just outresgeous enough to be remarkable to this audience..without offending.
Challenge is to get the core group of sneezers to spread the word.
Cool products that appeal to people who both buy new stuff and talk about it a lot are the core of target's strategy.
What you need is the insight to realize that you have no other choice but to grow your business or launch your product with purple cow thinking. Nothing else is going to work.
the extreme nature of the product makes it apealing to this audience.