You cannot talk people successfully if they think you are not interested in what they have to say or you have no respect for them.
You should be willing to reveal the kind if information that you'd ask of another person.
Telling people what your background is, what your likes and dislikes are, is part of the give and take of conversation. It's how we get to know people.
People will enjoy the conversation more if they see you are presenting yourself as someone who's enjoying it, too, whether you consider yourself their equal or not.
Remember that the person you are talking to is probably as shy as you are.
People love to be talked to about themselves. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about their accomplishment.
When started talking about the present, there wasn't anything for him to be scared about.. I was able to get him to talk about the past.
Yes/No questions are the enemy of good talk. ex) Isn't this hot weather awful?
Cocktail parties
Instead of being intimidated by the size of the group, look of someone to have a one-on-one conversation with.
One trick is not to get caught in the same place for a long period of time.
The great question of all time-Why? The surest way of keeping a conversation lively and interesting
What if questions are a can't miss way of starting a conversation in a social setting or picking it up during a lull
In funeral- Show respect and affection for the deceased. show compassion for the family. Keep it short. and a chuckle or two won't hurt.
Some of the new words don't do anything to improve our ability to communicate.
-Bussiness talk(also social conversation)
Be direct and open, and be a good listener
If your audience does not know your technical terms, so you have to speak in lay language.
-The art of selling
Know what you are selling. Sell advantages of the product, not the features of the product.
-What makes a good guest
A passion for his or her work -enthusiasm
the ability to explain that work clearly and in a way that our viewers will find interesting, something they find themselves wanting to know more about
A chip on the shoulder
A sense of humor, preferably self-deprecating
-Public speech
Talk about something you know about your audience may be bored if they know more about the topic than you do
If you're not at ease in the subject, you may be ill at ease in your demeanor
1 Tell'em what you are going to tell'em. -2 Tell'em -3 Tell'em what you've told'em
If your audience knows where you are going at the beginning, they will follow you more easily through the body of your speech. In the end, try to summarize your most important points in slightly different words from the ones you used in your opening.
Broadcast interview-just like as an interviewee than as a host
Make sure you control the interview, not the other person
You can gain control by making certain you have a thorough knowledge of the subject, then reminding yourself that you know more about it than the person across the desk
Diverting the question with humor when you have been put on the spot will open make your interview successful
Always tell the truth, obviously -and never be afraid to say you don't remember if that's the truth.
-Broadcasting employ some of the following ways of getting out of answering a question
*It would be premature for me to answering that question now
*I am not able to answer that question because I haven't seen the report yet.
*The incident has become the subject of a court case, so I can't comment on it.
*We have already begun an investigation and will issue a comprehensive report in the very near future.
*That's a hypothetical question, and I don't deal in hypothetical issues.
~One worst answers in a news interview now are "No comment." that now implies guilt.
1 Do only what makes you comfortable.
2 Stay current.-remain "young"
3 Don't think negative
4 Approach both radio and TV essentially the same way.
5 Work to improve those elements that are important-voice, delivery, appearance if it's TV.
Your speaking voice projects distinction and authority
_The first time you heard yourself on a tape recording
_You should make sure you are comfortable with the sound of your voice
Willingness to listen
Knowing your audience
Keep it simple
If you feel you're not good at it, you can be.
If you feel you are good at it, you can be better.